And while many employers don't insist on a particular degree subject, a third prefer to hire those with a Stem-related subject. 尽管很多企业主并不坚持要求雇员有大学学位证,但有三分之一的人更倾向于雇佣专业是和STEM科目相关的学生。
Even the best intentioned and executed policies are subject to criticism simply because they stem from an unelected and unrepresentative government. 即使是那些动机和执行过程都无可指摘的政策,也会仅仅因为它们来自于一个未经选举产生且不具代表性的政府而遭到批评。
It is still an important subject in hematology how to effectively purge leukemia cell in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. 如何有效清除造血干细胞移植物中残留白血病细胞一直是血液病学中的重要课题之一。